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Rugs Society Premier Hospitality Furniture

Geometric Rugs – The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

Geometric rugs… for the lovers of timeless design

Geometric rugs are always trendy no matter what! And you know why? Geometric patterns and shapes are so versatile that can transform your home decoration in a colourful landscape made of bold details and charismatic features. This design brings us to 20th-century and geometric rugs are the right choice to create a structural, colourful and stylish statement into our ambiences.

See also: Hanging Rugs: Pieces Of Art On Your Wall

Cauca Rug

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

The Cauca culture is an extinct Colombian culture dated between the 9th and 10th centuries CE, located close to the Cauca River in Colombia. Their traditional artworks gave rise to BRABBU’s CAUCA Rug. The geometric pattern on the black and white tencel rug recalls the sharp artwork of the Cauca culture and aims to bring strength to any living room. CAUCA rectangle rug by BRABBU is the best finishing for your home decor.

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression
Geometric Rugs

Oscar Rug

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression


Cubist inspiration, deconstruction of classical concepts in simple and solid planes where the mix between current patterns in period representations is made. ÓSCAR is the Masculine representation of the classical canons of ancient Greece. A cubist language that refers us to a half-hybrid figure because to date the canons of the human body were represented in a universal way, the figures were worked roughly with some delicate features. A commune of cultures and style that represents in the XX century XXVI the influence of history in contemporary design.

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

Geometric Rugs

Simba Rug

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression


An image conceived through the combination of several graphic elements, the mixture of patterns makes the carpet an exclusive, different and irreverent piece. With a very uniform palette of colours and using four different techniques, hand-tufted, loop, overtufting and carving, SIMBA stands out for the harmony between different elements, a perfect match between the rigid shapes and the curves.

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

Geometric Rugs

Kaiwa Rug

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

Kaiwá is the language spoken by the Guarani-Kaiowás, an indigenous population of Brazil. They live in the tropical rainforest area and are one of the most resilient civilisations in the world. BRABBU named a wool rug after their language as a tribute to their voice, which is concealed daily by the challenges they face. KAIWÁ rectangle wool rug stands for those that fight peacefully every day to keep their culture alive.

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression
Geometric Rugs

Isaac Rug

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression


A triumph of geometry and colours, which combines rounded, square and vertical lines. An unusual combination of colours makes it provocative and, at the same time, impossible to not observe the surprising harmony of the whole. ISAAC is a rug with botanical silk and natural wool where are present four different techniques, giving the rug a three-dimensional feel that makes it stand out in every room.

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

Geometric Rugs

Bauhau Rug

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression


Based on the language of the German avant-garde movement – Bauhaus, was one of the greatest and most important expressions of what is called Modernism in design and architecture. A journey through the history of the Bauhaus is style, modernity and ideology, which can be in your living roomBAUHAU rug is full of history made with noble materials and sophisticated techniques.

Geometric Rugs - The Power of 20th-century Avant-Garde Expression

Geometric Rugs

See also: Jeff Schlarb Design Studio: Comfortable And Artistic Design

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